Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Welcome to "Two Preachers In A Pod...cast". Trent and I have known each other for only two years but our hearts beat for the same things.

We love the church and we want to see Her grow and affect lives. This blog and weekly podcast are designed not for theological discussion (though we might sometimes go there) but to provide for our brothers in ministry and others who love the Lord tools and technology for ministry.

We will cover a wide variety of materials. Some of those materials we will recommend solely for their value in one area and some we might even disagree with them in many other things but if the tool is useful we want others to know about it. Technology can be our best friend or worst enemy. We'll try to introduce you to aspects of it that will make it your friend. Our podcast can be found at ____, we hope that you will subscribe to it.

We want this to be a lot of fun but also very helpful. So join in, let us know what you think.